
Anti‐Slavery Policy

Duracell takes very seriously its responsibility to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business. We are committed to ensuring the highest ethical standards throughout our business, including our third party partners. As part of that commitment, Duracell does not tolerate modern slavery in any of its forms, including servitude, forced or compulsory labor, human trafficking, prison labor, underage employment, and other human rights abuses. Preventing exploitation is not just the right thing to do, it also protects our workforce and our reputation.

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business. Our commitment to anti‐slavery is a key fundamental in being a responsible business which operates ethically and with integrity across all aspects of our operations, including our supplier relationships. We support human rights and anti‐corruption, fair pay, and equal opportunities, and we also have an established Ethics Hotline.

Due Diligence & Standards

Duracell has very thorough process for selecting its suppliers. The company has adapted a range of policies and procedures for risk mitigation (including the risk of human trafficking and slavery) including:

All our suppliers are expected to implement a zero‐tolerance approach to slavery, forced labor and human trafficking and comply with all local and national laws and regulations. We have introduced procedures designed to identify and assess areas of potential risk and every new supplier needs to certify compliance with our Duracell Ethical Trading Code of Conduct and Third Party Prohibited Business Practices Policy.

Our employees undergo regular training on our Code of Conduct. All employees working in our business have their rights and responsibilities set out in Duracell’s Code of Conduct. Our Human Resources team is available to employees with regard to any aspects of the terms and conditions of their employment. Our policies and procedures are designed to ensure that we are supportive of our employees at all times.

Download the Anti-Slavery Statement

Download the Duracell Grievance Policy

Download the Conflict Minerals Policy

Download the Modern Anti-Slavery Policy UK & CA Statement

Download the Duracell EU Battery Materials Sourcing Policy